General Information & Recommendation for Parents
The main purpose and object of this school is to cater educational needs of the wards of employees of the DRDO, Chandipur, Balasore. Make your child a good student, diligent and industrious, honest, trustworthy, just and fair in dealing with all. Please help us in this great and noble task.
- In order to secure all that is best in education of our children, the maximum co-operation between parents and the school management is desired. Hence parents/guardians are expected to co-operate with the school management by enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that they prepare their lesson daily, come on time, wear neat and clean uniform and take an active interest in the activities of the school.
- Parents/guardians are requested to see that their children/wards come punctually to school.
- They should also see that their ward has done the homework assignment given by the teachers and the necessary books are provided.
- The dairy gives valuable information regarding the child’s general attitude, studies and school discipline. In order to ensure the steady progress of the wards, guardians are advised to see the following pages (Dress turnout, personal hygiene & regularity) to persuade their wards to observe the school rules.
- They should also note the remarks made by the teachers, sign against them and see that necessary action is taken.
- Children should be encouraged to cultivate the habit of neatness in their dress turnout and also work.
- Please do not send your wards to the school if they are suffering from any infectious disease or illness or any type of temporary physical disorder.
- No private tuition will be taken by any student without the explicit and written permission of the Principal.
- Parents/guardians or any other persons are not allowed to see the students or interview the teachers during school hours without the sanction of the principal. They are requested to come to the Parents-Teachers Meeting when arranged.
- Criticism of the teachers or school in the presence of the students should be judiciously avoided because it causes them to lose respect for their teachers with a consequent failure to learn from the teachers. However, If a parent has legitimate complaint, it may be brought to the notice of the principal. It is rightly said that only those who respect teachers can gain knowledge from them.
- Parents / guardians are requested to avoid withdrawal of their wards from the classes for meresocial functions as it harms the students progress and leads to an educational backwardness in studies. The habit of self-help in work and study should be encouraged.
- Parents/guardians who are sending their wards by any kind of vehicle are requested to instruct their wards to be properly seated inside the vehicle. School will not be responsible for any untoward incident.
- Any cases of breakage of furniture / damage to school property (electrical / fan etc) will be dealt with severely. The students involved may be fined or suspended and in extreme cases parents may be asked to withdraw the child.
- Any student who is persistently insubordinate or repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examination or has committed an offence of serious indiscipline or in the opinion of the head of the school has an unwholesome influence on fellow pupils may be expelled permanently or remain for a specific period as granted by the head of the institution and this will be recorded in writing.
- All students must take part in games, physical exercises and all other activites.
- Students themselves are responsible for safe custody of their books and belongings. The schoolcan not be held responsible for books, clothes, vehicles and other articles that are lost by the student.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is prohibited. Playing with a ball or similar object in and around the classrooms is strictly forbidden.
- During the absence of the teachers the class monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
- When students move along the corridors and while changing classes, going for games or experiment, they must walk in single line. Running along the corridor is a serious act of indiscipline to be serverely dealt with.
- No books (other than school text / library books) newspaper, comics may be brought to the school premises without the principal’s sanction.
- Children are admitted at the request of the parents and while all normal precautions are taken to ensure their safety, the school will not be liable for any damages or account of an injury which a student may sustain while in school or taking part in an activity organized outside the school.
- Students should obey house leaders, class monitors and other students on duty.
- Cycles must be locked. Riding in the school compound is strictly prohibited.
- Transistors, cameras, mobile phones are strictly prohibited.
- Every student must reach school 5 minutes before the time fixed for assembly. School timing is 7.30 A.M. to 1.40 P.M.
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